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What is the Mckenzie method?

Are you tired of relying on medication or surgery to manage your musculoskeletal pain? Do you want to take an active role in your own care and improve your function and reduce your pain? If so, the McKenzie Method may be the solution you’ve been looking for! 


The McKenzie Method is a system of assessment and treatment for musculoskeletal conditions that empowers patients to manage their own symptoms through education and exercise. By understanding your own condition and learning specific exercises to alleviate pain and improve function, you can reduce your reliance on passive interventions such as medication or surgery.

Here are 8 myths that might surprise you.

Lets address some of the most pervasive misconceptions surrounding back pain treatment, leading toward evidence-based strategies for improved outcomes and a better quality of life..

1. "Acute back pain is short-term pain."

This is another oversimplification on a complex issue that can lead to bothersome consequences.